How to activate the menu on a dashboard
If the dashboard has multiple tabs, navigation between them is done through the dashboard menu. To activate the menu on a dashboard, open the dashboard, switch to EDIT mode, and toggle the menu option on the dashboard settings panel.
Dashboard menu structure
You can choose 3 options for displaying the menu on dashboards (together or separately).
Horizontal tabs (all tabs are displayed above the dashboard);
Hamburger menu (tabs are hidden under the hamburger button and are accessed with a click);
Left panel (all tabs are displayed in the pane on the left of the dashboard).
Regardless of the options selected, you can create a hierarchical structure of tabs in the menu. To create a tabs hierarchy, click on the selector on the left of each tab and drag and drop the tab upon another to nest it.
When you go to a sub-tab, breadcrumbs with a Home icon appear above the menu. Clicking on the Home icon will take you back to the first tab, which usually serves as the landing page.
Top-level tabs will not be accessible - use them as catalog folders only.
Menu settings
First of all, you can choose the size and font of the text used in the menu. As usual, it can be done with the text editor icons
on the menu pane;
Each menu option has 2 color pickers:
The first one defines the background color;
The second one defines the content color.
Once selected, the Hamburger menu offers an additional setting: you can enter the text to be displayed next to the hamburger icon.