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Images on Dashboard
Images on Dashboard
Updated over a week ago

Dashboards can become even more vivid with image widgets. You can add anything you want to be more expressive: logo, illustration, picture - you choose.

Single image

  • when a dashboard is in EDIT mode, click on 'image' icon

  • upload the chosen image

  • you got a new widget that contains the image

  • you can resize and place it in the proper space on the dashboard

Image Bundle

To add several images put them in zip-folder (up to 10 Mb) and upload it the same way as a single image.


The binding of images and control buttons is made with help of tags. Each image has one or more tags that should fully match the control. If you click on a certain button, a corresponding image will appear.

Auto-tagging while uploading

Before archiving images, you can organize them in folders. DataTile reads all hierarchies and finds images. During this process auto-tagging begins. All names of files and folders become tags.

You can create additional tags by using hashtags '#' in names of images or folders. For example, an image with the name: '#lays#blue#chips.png' will get three tags: 'lays', 'blue', 'chips' - after uploading.

Note: matching between a control and a tag is case-insensitive and space tolerant. Ex., 'Vector Cola' and 'vector cola ' DataTile considers as the same tag.

Tagging mechanism is created for the convenience of an international tracking service, where the same product may have localized logos in different countries. In this case, the pictures of the same name are usually stored in folders with country names and you can upload them to DataTile directly in this form.

Managing tags afterloading

If some tags were missed during uploading or you need to create a new control, you can add tags manually.

  • click on 'Image Bundle' in the widget menu

  • get to the list of pictures and, going to each one separately, add tags to the search box, click the '+' button. In case the control and the widget are already linked, the system will prompt you when searching.

  • existing tags can be deleted, but not edited.

Binding an image to a control

After uploading an image widget appears on the dashboard. Binding it to the control is done as follows:

  • click on the control

  • the 'tag' corner appears on the picture widget

  • press and activate the tag

  • you can bind the widget to several controls, but then the image will appear only when you select all the buttons.

If the image tags and the names of the control buttons are different, you need to add new tags that will match the control.

There is an option Default State - it is an image that is displayed when nothing else is selected or no image corresponding to the state of the controls is found.

Replacing a single image in the Image Bundle

Go into the Image Bundle, select the picture you want to replace, click on the 'upload' icon and load a replacement picture.

Adding images to existing ones

Go into the Image Bundle, make sure nothing is selected, click on the 'upload' icon and upload an image or zip-archive of no more than 10 megabytes.


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