Being Owner/Editor of a database/dashboard;
Having the role of Syndicated manager.
Users can easily download and re-upload databases and dashboards using the DataTile interface.
With these features, you can back up the current state of your database or dashboard, distribute syndicated studies, duplicate entities among your team members for independent workflows, and provide data without sharing the data sources.
Database backup and transfer
Select an existing database in DataTile, click on the download icon and choose ‘Download entity’.
Once downloaded, the dataset will be saved in a compatible format on your device. This file contains all info about the current state of the database, including saved requests (decks).
You can save the dump file as backup or upload it to another server using the 'Entity from dump file' option. Please note that this option is only available for users with both a Syndicated manager role and access to the target server.
A freshly uploaded database is not a clone but a new base which means that all access settings must be configured again. Additionally, users on different servers may have access to similar databases, even if they are unrelated to each other.
Access to the source file with the ability to download it is preserved only in the original database. In databases uploaded from a dump, there will be information about the source, but not access to it.
Synchronize entities for continuous updates
Alternatively, users can download an entity with synchronization - ‘Download with sync’.
This establishes a permanent connection between the original entity and any subsequent dump files uploaded. This synchronization works seamlessly across DataTile servers, ensuring that all updates made to the original entity are transferred to connected servers within 15 minutes.
All databases synchronized with the original master database will be brought to the state of the master database with each synchronization wave. If you want to make independent changes to them, you need to download and upload them without synchronization.
Dashboards from dump files
Users can download and upload Dashboards the same way as datasets - with or without synchronization. However, there are some important considerations regarding database connections:
When a dashboard is uploaded from a dump file, it retains a memory of the database it was originally connected to, which can be viewed in the info pane. However, when uploaded to a new server, it will attempt to reconnect to a database starting from the folder where it belongs.
The reconnection to a new database is automatic and is based on similarities in the codebook. Therefore, if a target folder contains multiple databases, users should verify in the info pane that the correct one is connected to the dashboard. Otherwise, the data may not be displayed correctly.
For optimal workflow, if you're dumping both a dashboard and a database, we recommend to upload the database to the particular folder first, followed by the dashboard in the same folder.