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Coding new variables in a dataset

Creating a Logical Variable

Updated over a week ago

You can create a new logical variable and save it in a codebook for subsequent analyses on an ongoing basis. For example, you can create a set of demographic categories to analyse target audiences, etc.

To create a logical variable, open the database and click Project settings (cog) icon to open the Meta-Editor.

  • In the Meta-Editor, click the 'snowman' icon;

  • Pick 'Create Logical variable' from the dropdown list;

    Create a logical variable

  • In the pop-up window enter a variable name, then click OK.

  • Find the new variable in the codebook and select it - it will usually be placed at the bottom of the list. Then, click the ‘Edit’ icon to open the Logical Expression Builder (LEB) window;

    Edit a logical variable

  • In the Logical Expression Builder, the codebook is displayed on the left-hand panel. Drag&drop codes onto the ‘Categories’ panel to build the logical variable, combining them with the appropriate logical operators.

For example, to create the audience of ‘Women age 40+’, you should OR-join the age categories of 40-49 and 50+, then drop ‘female’ onto this and select AND-join. 
  • Changes are saved automatically.

Expression Builder window

You can also build codes (logical expressions) directly in crosstab, although these are not saved permanently within the codebook like logical variables.

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