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Control-Widget Interaction: Mask
Control-Widget Interaction: Mask
Updated over a year ago

Widget-control interaction is an empowering feature that enables users to customize data visualization without affecting the underlying calculations in the dashboard. Here we will explore an interaction between a control and a widget known as a 'Mask,' which allows you to display only the data specified by the control on the widget. It's particularly useful for filtering and emphasizing specific data points.

How to 'Mask' data:

  1. Select data to emphasize. Create a control that contains the variables you want to mask within your visualization.

  2. Assign the control as ‘Mask'. While in EDIT mode, select the control and, in the command panel at the top of the widget, choose 'Mask' for Columns, Rows, or Split.

  3. Apply the ‘Mask’. Once the control is set, when the dashboard is in VIEW mode, the 'Mask' interaction comes into play. It dynamically displays only the variables that a user selects within the control, providing a focused view that highlights the chosen aspects of your dataset.

Example: Focus on Specific Quarters in Financial Data

In a financial dashboard showcasing quarterly revenue figures over multiple years, you can highlight particular months or quarters without altering the underlying data as follows:

  1. Create a control with the 'Waves/Quarters' variable.

  2. Apply the control as 'Mask: Columns' to a line chart containing financial data in rows and 'Waves' in columns.

  3. In VIEW mode, select the desired quarters to zoom in on, such as "Q2 2022" and "Q2 2023."

By using the ‘Mask: Columns’ interaction, the chart will display only the revenue data for the selected quarters, offering a focused view.

See the clip below for an example output of this chart:

Example of chart masking

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