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System Roles
Updated over a week ago

System Roles define the functionality which is available for a user. Each role corresponds to a specific system functionality.

Roles define the user's functional capabilities.

Note! that no role (including "Administrator" and "Supervisor") gives access to any level of the data of other users. User's data, dashboards, reports, etc are strictly separated logically and physically and not accessible by other users until they are explicitly shared.


The Viewer role is a basic role for a user after registration. The viewer role gives a user the right to log in to the system and access entities like dashboards and datasets shared by other users. Available content can be found in the "Shared with me" section My Space.

Warning! A supervisor can block or delete a user to prevent login into DataTile.

IT Admin

This role enables a user to configure IT aspects of the server. The following functionality is available for a user with Administrator privilege:

  1. Manage global branding for the server: logo, favicon, colors, etc.

  2. Configure message, the way the server sends notifications to users.

  3. Password policy

The IT Admin role doesn't provide rights to manage other users or work with data.


A user with the Supervisor role can manage other users and can:

  1. Browse user directory

  2. See users activity

  3. Grant and withdraw roles from users

  4. Block and delete users

  5. Organize users in teams

Supervisor role gives the ability to manage users but not their data. A supervisor can block or delete a user but under no circumstances can acquire access to user's data without the owner's explicit consent.


Create and store charts as independent entities and embed them in external web pages.

Database creator

This is the core role for data analysis. This role gives a user the rights to upload, process and configure datasets. The owner of the data can share it to collaborators, colleagues or clients for further analysis.
A database creator can also manage other's data sets that have been shared via "Can edit" permission and can:

  1. Create dataset by uploading files in supported formats

  2. Analyze raw, aggregated or retail data

  3. Manage, edit and organize metadata into hierarchies

  4. Create new logical features out of existing data

  5. Restrict access to particular variables and categories within data

  6. Declare and manage multi-response groups of questions

  7. Reload or append data for tracking or syndicated studies

Dashboard Creator

The Dashboard creator can create dashboards to visualise insights from accessed data sets.
This role alone doesn't allow the user to upload raw data and create datasets, but enables the following functionality:

  1. Create and share dashboards

  2. Manage and configure owned or shared dashboards

  3. Publish charts, tables or visualizations from any available data sets on the Dashboards

  4. Publish owned dashboards

Report creator

The user with this role is a dashboard creator who may create and automate PowerPoint reports.

Portal creator

Create user portals to provide users with a single point of entity for various deliveries.

Syndicate manager

Create DataViews, manage syndicated studies, and distribute data across multiple servers.


With the Coder role, the user can refine and code open-ended questions.
The following functionality is available:

  1. clean and cluster open-ended questions

  2. split respondent's answers into multiple responses

  3. create re-usable dictionaries of synonyms

  4. share dictionaries with colleagues

  5. build word cloud visualizations for data sets containing open-ended questions.

Data collector

Allows to load data and create databases via API.


Enables API to integrate KPIs from research data into Business Intelligence systems.


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