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Enabling ChatGPT on your DataTile server
Enabling ChatGPT on your DataTile server
Updated over a week ago

DataTile integrates ChatGPT to provide human-like insights and takeaways in dashboards and reports.

This feature is currently available as an Early Access Feature and requires specific setup steps to be functional on your server.
Contact your DataTile team to install this extension on your server.

Step 1: Enable ChatGPT in DataTile

  1. Access the GPT Configuration: Navigate to the 'Administration' section of your DataTile server. Here, find and select the 'GPT' section.

  2. Activate ChatGPT Functionality: Look for the option to enable Chat GPT functionality and check the box to activate it. This step is crucial for integrating ChatGPT capabilities into your server.

How to enable Chat GPT

Step 2: Set Up OpenAI API Keys

  1. Acquire OpenAI API Keys: You need one or more OpenAI keys to use ChatGPT. These keys can be obtained from the OpenAI platform. Click here to acquire your OpenAI API keys.

  2. Enter Your API Keys: Once you have your API keys, return to the GPT section in the DataTile Administration area and enter them in the designated fields.

Step 3: Manage Billing and Usage

  1. Understand Billing and Limits: To manage your billing limits effectively in a production environment, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the best practices. For more information, read here.

  2. Handling API Limitations: Dashboards with complex state combinations and high user traffic are more likely to reach API limits. For more details on quota and limitations, please read here.

  3. Use Multiple API Keys for High Load: Providing several API keys is advisable if you anticipate high usage. DataTile will rotate these keys when accessing the GPT API, helping to manage load more effectively.

DataTile is designed to use the GPT API efficiently by caching prompts and replies locally. This reduces redundant API calls, providing a more seamless and cost-effective operation.

For security reasons, the API keys in DataTile are not visible or editable once entered. They become hidden and you need to delete it and add a new one to change a key.

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