A single action to substitute filters for a whole deck is available.
Pick the category you'd like to use as a filter on all reports/requests/charts in a deck;
Drag&drop it on the title of the deck;
Confirm the action by clicking 'Replace filter';
All old filters will be deleted and substituted by the category you've brought in. If there were no filters before, new ones will be added.
Note! It doesn't update opened requests, even if they belong to the deck. If you'd like to see the updated requests, you'll need to close the current ones and reopen them from the deck.
Possible usage scenarios
1. The ones with the last wave in the filter
The simplest case is where we just keep requests in a separate deck and substitute the filter as described above.
2. Requests with composite filter, e.g. geography and the last wave
The feature replaces the filter but remains the split intact. You can use it to have more filtering options. This case is shown in the screenshot: region 'South' on the split and 'New wave' as a filter.
3. Trends
Create a separate deck for the requests you don't want to be affected by this macro operation. So all trends would be isolated in this deck, and they will not change when you replace the filter in another deck.