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Whole deck filter

Replace filter for all requests in a deck

Updated over 3 months ago

Decks are essentially collected folders of queries that are stored in the database. Since the decks contain previously created queries based on variables from the same dataset, a single action to substitute filters for a whole deck is available.

To apply a filter for a deck

  1. Select the category you'd like to use as a filter on all reports/requests/charts in a deck;

  2. Drag&drop it on the title of the deck;

  3. Confirm the action by clicking 'Replace filter';

  4. All old filters will be deleted and substituted by the category you've brought in. If there were no filters before, new ones will be added.

The operation doesn't update opened requests, even if they belong to the deck. To see the updated requests, close the current ones and reopen them from the deck.


You can organize your queries into separate decks: one for queries that require filtering and another for those, like trends, that do not. This approach allows you to quickly apply filters to the appropriate decks while leaving others unaffected.

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