Required role: Coder
You can use dictionaries for coding open-ended questions. It is an extremely effective instrument to eliminate repetitive work.
Once you coded titles, you can save your work as a dictionary to reuse for coding of subsequent waves or other surveys.
The layout of a dictionary file
Dictionaries can be exported to and imported from Excel files. The layout of the file is shown below:
The first cell in a row of the Excel table contains a proper notation for a title;
The second and subsequent values in a row enumerate alternative spellings or synonyms that are to be mapped into the correct one.
Requirements for the file
It is assumed that your file contains a single Excel sheet. Otherwise, DataTile selects the first one for loading;
No empty rows - DataTile parses the table till the first empty row. All rows following an empty one will be ignored
Sharing a dictionary with colleagues
The dictionary is another type of file in My Space that can be shared with collaborators.
It has the standard set of sharing permissions as follows:
View - allows collaborators to apply the shared dictionary to code open-ended questions in their projects
Share = ‘View’ permission + grants collaborator the right to share the dictionary;
Edit = 'Share' permission + grants collaborator the right to update contents of the dictionary.