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'Digit' values for categorical variables

Digital equivalents of features

Updated over 5 months ago

DataTile lets you set up numerical equivalents of options for categorical variables. This feature is very practical when you need to calculate the average age, income, expenses, or volume of your sample, but those variables are not numerical in your dataset.

Each variable option in DataTile has a default ‘digit' value. You can see this in the Meta-Editor to the right of each option when you click on any variable. These 'digits’ can be manually changed by double-clicking on them and entering new values. So you can assign numerical equivalents to categories and use them for calculations.

Digital equivalents of options

This additional digital value is used to calculate the Vol and Mean metrics. For categorical options, the sequential number of the item is placed in this field by default.

Editing of a digit

To calculate the Vol and Mean metrics based on interval features, each interval is assigned the average value of this interval as a 'digit'.

Vol metric formula: ∑(Unweighted Count * Weight * digit).

Mean metric formula: Vol / Weighted Count.

With sequential 'digits,' these calculations are meaningless, but when the proper digit equivalents are added the calculations are possible.

More accurate calculations are possible by replacing the digital equivalent with a real numeric variable using the Value dropzone in DVI.

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