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Affinity index (Aff.idx metrics)
Updated over 5 months ago

The Affinity Index is a metric primarily used in marketing and advertising to assess the likelihood of a specific audience's interest in a product, service, or brand compared to the general population. This index quantifies the relationship between a target demographic segment and a specific behavior, preferences, and choices, allowing us to understand the degree of affinity between them. By calculating the Affinity Index, marketers and advertisers can determine which audiences are more or less likely to engage with their offerings, facilitating the development of targeted and effective marketing strategies.

Affinity Index formula

Aff.idx = 100 * (Category Vert% / Total Vert%)

In the example below, you can see that the Fresh Lane brand has a total audience of 7.82%. But females in Europe have an audience of 15.1% (almost double). The index of 193 indicates that strong relationship.

Affinity Index example

The result is a number that does not represent a value or %, it is only a magnitude of the relationship. It’s necessary to compare the indexes relative to each other, not to any scale standard.

Aff.idx Metrics

  • Aff.idx – affinity Index is a measure of the relative similarity in composition of two samples. The Affinity Index can be calculated using logical/MATH expressions, tailored to your specific goals. You may also apply filters. This is an independent metric and will be calculated on its own, regardless of any other metrics used in the crosstab.

  • Aff.idx (Unfiltered) – same as Affinity Index, but calculated without applied filter.

Aff.idx with and without filter

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