If your dataset contains text variables, you can also work with them in DataTile using Raw Data. To use this feature open your database and enter the RAW DATA mode.
You can add multiple variables to the Raw Data table, not just text variables, and they will appear in separate columns.
The maximum number of displayed rows is 100, and the search function on the dashboard will only apply to the first column.
Operation with raw data on a dashboard
Standard controls cannot be applied to raw data, however, you can use a special search control to filter the table.
How to assign the search control
Export the raw data table to a dashboard.
In EDIT mode click on the ‘Add search control’ icon
Once the control appears on the dashboard, select it and assign it to the table. For the search control, only one assignment option is available.
In VIEW mode, type keywords into the search control to filter the table. The number of search results will be shown in the statistics below the table. However, only the first 100 rows will be displayed.