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Dichotomous Multi-response Set
Updated over 2 months ago
A dichotomous multi-response set captures multiple answers to a survey question, with each answer recorded as a binary (yes/no) variable.

For example, respondents can pick several answers to the following survey question about social media usage:

At the data level, each answer option will be represented by a binary (or dichotomous) variable, where a "1" indicates selection (yes) and a "0" indicates non-selection (no). Here’s a dummy example of the dataset. Variables are columns, and each row encodes the responses of an individual respondent.

To create a dichotomous MR-set

  • select all dichotomous variables relevant to the question from a codebook;

  • click in the ‘Declare MR-set’ icon ;

  • choose the ‘Dichotomous’ type of MR-set;

  • select the option on which the MR-set will be based. In most cases, it is ‘Yes’ or ‘Checked’.

Although the dataset codes these options as a set of dichotomous questions, the MR-set resultant are non-numeric categories, such as "TikTok" or "Youtube". Frequency analysis is based on counting how many times each category was selected.

The resulting MR-set is a categorical variable that can be operated on for calculations.

Note that all MR-set types are clearly defined with icons in the variable tree.

  • - Dichotomous MR-set;

  • - Categorical MR-set;

  • - Quantitative MR-set;

  • - Mean MR-set;

  • - Aggregated MR-set

Dichotomous MR-set with multiple options (more than two answers)

In DataTile, a dichotomous MR-set can be created with dichotomous options (2 answers) and multivariate options (more than two answers, eg, Likert scales or Satisfaction scores). In this case, we must define what options will be counted as ‘checked’ for correct counting.

Example: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with {brand_name}? 1-2-3-4-5?

Each brand gets a score from 1 to 5. Now we can create a dichotomous MR-set, choosing only options 4 and 5 - the two most favorable satisfaction ratings. They will be considered as ‘checked’ for the dichotomous MR-set.

DataTile allows you to select any number of options (in any order) as the base for creating a dichotomy. Subsequent operations are the same as for dichotomous MR-set, where the dichotomy option is imitated by several options together.

Dichotomous MR-set with intervals

Similar to multiple options, a dichotomous MR-set can be assembled using numeric variables. However, instead of selecting options, you define an interval.

Select a set of numerical variables, choose the ‘Dichotomous’ type of MR-set, and define the interval using arithmetic expressions. Refer to the hints in the popup window for guidance.

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